Gospel Truth in Luke 8 (Nov 24)

Christ’s Word to be Responded

Preaching, healing and disciplining
that summarises the daily activities
of the Son of Man. Luke records
the healings with careful attention.
And those documented miracles
become proof of Jesus’ claim to
a faithless & perverse generation.
As he preaches and heals, Jesus
patiently prepares His disciples
to carry on in His absence. The
cost is steep, but the goal of saving
lives eternally makes it worthwhile.

Lord, we aspire to Be Good Soil:
The seed is the word of God…
The rocky soil represents those
who hear the message with joy.
But their roots Don’t Go Very Deep.
They wilt when testing blow…
But the good soil represents
people who Hear God’s message,
Cling to it and steadily produce
a huge harvest (Luke 8:11-15).
Pay attention to How You Hear.
To those who listen to my teaching,
more will be given. But for those
who are not listening, even what
they think they understand will be
taken away from them (Lk 8:18).
(Jesus) got into the boat with his
disciples and said: Let Us Cross
over to the other side of the lake…
He rebuked the wind and raging
waves. Then he asked them:
Where Is Your Faith? (v22-25).
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