Gospel Truth in Luke 4 (Nov 20)

Christ With Authority On Our Side

Luke introduces the ministry of
Jesus with His baptism by John
the Baptist & temptation by Satan.
Christ’s genealogy ties Him to
David the king, Abraham the
patriarch and Adam the first man.
Rejection in His hometown of
Nazareth causes Him to shift to
Capernaum where He ministers
for two years. There Christ calls
12 men calls 12 men to be His
travelling companions. And there
by the shores of Galilee He begin
to prepare them for ministry
He will soon entrust to them.

Lord,we’re amazed by Yr Authority:
Jesus was led by the Spirit in
the desert, where for 40 days he
was tempted by the devil. He ate
nothing during those days and
at the end of them he was hungry
The devil said to him: If you are
the Son of God, tell this stone to
become bread. Jesus answered:
It is written: Man does not live
on bread alone. (Luke 4:1-8).
Jesus went to Capernaum and
talk there in the synagogue every
Sabbath day. The people were
amazed at the things he said
because he spoke with authority..
Amazed the people exclaimed:
What authority & power this man’s
words possess (v31-36) Amen.
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