Gospel Truth in Luke 2 (Nov 19)

Christ’s Obedience to Father

Dr Luke – physician, historian
and writer of the longest gospel
account clearly states his purpose
for writing in the opening verses:
That thou might know the certainty
of those things thou has instructed
He begins with details surrounding
the miraculous birth of John the
forerunner and Jesus the Messiah.

Dear Lord Jesus, we realise
we are not isolated from the
pressures and temptations of life.
And there are no shortcuts as we
prepare for a life of service to U.
Help us live out our Destiny;
help us remain Devoted to U and
help us to be Obedient. Amen.

Lord, we will live out our Destiny:
Simeon…eagerly expected the
Messiah to come and rescue
Israel… When Mary and Joseph
came to present Jesus to the
Lord, Simeon took the child in
his arms and praised God saying:
Lord now I can die in peace !
As you promised me, I have seen
the Saviour you have given to
all people. He is a light to reveal
God to the nations (Lk 2:25-32).
Lord, thank you for being a light
to reveal God so that more pple
can know & worship our Father.
Thank you for bringing us out of
darkness into yr marvellous light.
Help me to shine your light
so that everyone around will
be drawn to you. And help us
like Simeon to accomplish your
purpose & live our destiny. Amen.

Lord, we’ll remain Devoted to You
Anna, a prophet never left the
Temple but stayed worshipping
God… She came along just as
Simeon was talking with Mary &
Joseph, and she began praising
God. She talked about Jesus to
everyone who had been waiting
for the promised King to come
and deliver Jerusalem (v36-38).
Lord, help me to let go of my
divided desires and be wholly
devoted to you. Capture and
renew my heart to regularly wait
upon you. And let the eyes of
my heart be awakened to see you
and to rejoice in you each day.
For U are worthy of all praise. Amen

Lord, we purpose to be Obedient:
After three days they found him
in the temple courts among the
teachers, listening to them and
asking them questions. Everyone
was amazed at his understanding
& his answers. When his parents
saw him they were astonished.
His mother said: Your father and
I have been anxiously searching
for you. He asked: Didn’t U know
I had to be in my Father’s house?
Then he went down to Nazareth
& was obedient to them (v46-51)
Lord, help us as God’s children,
to be concerned with heavenly
Father’s affairs. But at the same
time help us not use commitment
to God’s work justify neglecting
our responsibilities to the family.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.