Seeking God thro Gospel Truths

Preview on Luke Gospel (Nov 18)

The Gospel is the good news that
God in Jesus Christ has fulfilled
His promises to Israel, and that a
way of salvation has been opened
to all. But the Gospel is not just
about salvation in terms of eternal
and abundant life, it is also about
the power of God and living out
the Gospel in gratitude to Christ.

Following Mark gospel which
portrays Jesus as Perfect Servant
who came to minister to mankind;
and Matthew which records Jesus
fulfiling Old Testament prophesies
as God’s Messiah & Eternal King;
we meditate on Luke gospel which
presents Jesus as the perfect Man
who came to save sinful people.

Luke builds his narrative on
a chronological presentation
of Jesus’ life, tracing the twin
themes of growing belief and
growing opposition. While Jesus’
followers are challenged to count
the cost of discipleship, those
who oppose Him are plotting
His undeserved death. But His
death and resurrection validate
His claims, thwart His enemies
and empower His disciples to
continue His ministry to the lost.

We will cover Luke Gospel in
three weeks over seven divisions:-
Lk 1-2: Arrival of the Son of Man
Lk 3-6: Authority of Son of Man
Lk 7-9: I Ministry of Son of Man
L10-12: Admonition of Son of Man
L13-18: Parables of Son of Man
L19-21: Teaching of Son of Man
L22-24: Triumph of Son of Man

Lord Jesus, as we learn more
of You as Saviour of the world,
may Your Spirit challenge us to
share the Good News to others.
Lord, even as Yr People meditate
on Your Word, I pray that Your
Spirit minister & energise their soul;
that they Experience the blessings
of a praying life; and that they will
Trust & Obey You more each day.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.