Seeking God thro Gospel Truths

Simply Trust & Obey (Oct 17)

Friends, we’ve completed five
weeks in our fifth discipling series
on Seeking God thro Gospel Truths
following Claiming God’s Promises,
Knowing, Thanking & Praising God.
Before continuing, let’s consider
the significance of the Gospel.
The Gospel is the good news that
God in Jesus Christ has fulfilled
His promises to Israel, and that a
way of salvation is opened to all.
But the Gospel is not just about
salvation & abundant life, it’s also
about the power of God & learning
to live Gospel Truths in gratitude.

Dear Almighty & All-Loving God,
I pray even as Yr People meditate
on the holy and precious Gospel
that Your Spirit minister to their
soul and Will Energise them;
that they Will Experience
the blessings of a praying life;
that their Faith Will Arise and
they Will Trust & Obey You more
each day. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Friends, the Gospel Truths from
Mark & Matthew are listed below:
Mark’s Gospel focussing on the
works of Christ encourages one
to respond to life’s challenges
In Faith rather than fear; while
Matthew’s Gospel portrays Christ
as King & is a Discipleship manual.
For Today’s Devotion, pick a post
that addresses your current need
or challenges you in discipleship.
Scroll to calender for post.
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