Gospel Truth in Matt 26 (Nov 15)

Obey the Father’s Will

The events during the final two
days of Jesus’ earthly life carry
the shadow of the cross. Everything
He says and does foreshadows
that symbol of shame, sacrifice
and salvation: the anointing in
Bethany, the Passover observance,
the Lord’s Supper and the prayer
in Gethsamane. Jesus is arrested
and tried, first by the Jews, then
the Romans; He is condemned,
executed and placed in a tomb.
But the story does not end there.
In glorious triumph, Jesus comes
forth from the grave in resurrection
power. Indeed, the King of the
Jews lives again, a message of
Good News which His followers
are commissioned to share.

Lord Jesus, the final two days
of Your earthly life foreshadow
your impending sacrificial death:
the anointing in Bethany, Lord’s
Supper and prayer in Gethsamane.
Your obedience to the Father’s
will inspires us; and we can only
respond with a heart of Gratitude.
Lord, You are our Master and King.
And we Your people purpose in
our heart to Offer Our Lives to You;
we Love You for U First Love us &
we’ll learn to Seek God’s will. Amen
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