Gospel Truth in Matt 25 (Nov 14)

Do God’s Assigned Tasks

Herod’s temple captured the
attention of all who passed by.
Commenting on its splendour, the
disciples set the stage for Jesus’
Olivet Discourse. His followers
are urged to watchful expectation
coupled with faithful service;
because despite signs of His
coming, the return of Christ will
be unannounced. His coming
will bring judgment on the nations
and rewards for His followers.

Lord, we will Do God’s Work:
The master replied: You wicked
and lazy servant! You think I’m
a hard man… harvesting crops
I didn’t plant and gathering
crops I didn’t cultivate? Well,
you should At Least have put my
money into the bank so I could
have some interest (Mt 25:26-27)
When the Son of Man comes,
He Will Separate the people…
Then the king will say to those on
his right: Take your Inheritance.
For I was hungry & you gave me
something to eat, I was sick and
you looked after me, I was in
prison and you came to visit me…
Whatever you did for one of the
least of these brothers & sisters,
you did it for me (Matt 25:31-40).
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