Gospel Truth in Matt 24 (Nov 13)

Be Ready for Lord’s Return

Herod’s magnificent temple
captured the attention of all who
passed by. Commenting on its
beauty & splendour, the disciples
set the stage for Jesus’ Olivet
Discourse, a prophetic look at
future events. His followers are
urged to watchful expectation
coupled with faithful service
because, despite the signs of
His coming, the return of Christ
will be unannounced. His coming
will bring vengeance on His
enemies, judgment on the nations
and rewards for His followers.

Lord, we’ll Prepare for Your Return:
Immediately after the tribulation…
the sun will be darkened… Then…
they will see Son of Man Coming
on the clouds with power & great
glory. He will send forth his angels
with the sound of a mighty trumpet
& they will gather his chosen ones
from the farthest ends of the earth.
When you see the events I have
described beginning to happen,
u can know His Return is very near
right at the door (Matt 24:31-33).
Heaven and earth will pass away,
but My Words will by No Means
Pass Away… Watch therefore,
for you do not know what hour
your Lord is coming… Therefore
you also Be Ready for the Son of
Man is coming at an hour you do
not expect (Mt 24:35-44) Amen.
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