Gospel Truth in Matt 23 (Nov 12)

Don’t Be Prideful but Be Authentic

After Peter’s dramatic confession
of Jesus as the Christ, the Son
of the living God, Jesus began to
shew unto His disciples how He
must go to Jerusalem and suffer
many things of elders and chief
priests, be killed & be raised again
the third day. After preparing
His disciples for the unexpected
events which would soon take
place, Jesus begins His final
journey to Jerusalem. Arriving
to a hero’s welcome, He is hailed
as King while making His humble
entrance into the city. It’s now the
final week of Christ’s earthly life.

Lord, help us to Be Authentic:
You must obey the Pharisees and
do everything they tell you. But
do not do what they do, for they
do not practice what they preach…
The greatest among you will be
your servant. For those who exalt
themselves will be humbled and
those who Humble themselves
will be exalted (Matt 23:1-12).
Woe to you, teachers of the law,
you hypocrites! You give a tenth
but you have neglected the more
important matters of the law –
justice, Mercy and faithfulness.
You should have practised the
latter, without neglecting former.
Woe to u Pharisees, hypocrites!
For you are so careful to clean
the outside of the cup & the dish,
but inside you are filthy. First Wash
the Inside… and then the outside
will become clean too (v13-26).
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