Gospel Truth in Matthew 20 (Nov 9)

    Have Mindset of a Servant

    After Peter’s dramatic confession
    of Jesus as the Christ, the Son
    of the living God, Jesus began to
    shew unto His disciples how He
    must go to Jerusalem and suffer
    many things of elders and chief
    priests, be killed & be raised again
    the third day. After preparing
    His disciples for the unexpected
    events which would soon take
    place, Jesus begins His final
    journey to Jerusalem. Arriving
    to a hero’s welcome, He is hailed
    as King while making His humble
    entrance into the city. It’s now the
    final week of Christ’s earthly life.

    Lord, we aspire serve like You:
    Whoever wants to become great
    among you must be your servant
    and whoever wants to be first
    must be your slave (Mt 20:26-27)
    Just as the Son of Man did not
    come to be served, but to serve,
    and to give his life as a ransom
    for many (Matt 20:28). Amen.
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