Gospel Truth in Matthew 16 (Nov 5)

Seek God’s Revelation & View

Matthew records many crucial
incidents from Jesus’ life in Matt
16-19. Though Christ takes time
to heal an epileptic boy, pay His
temple tax and confront the
increasingly hostile Pharisees,
it is clear that His primary concern
is for His disciples – those He
would soon leave behind to
continue the work He had begun.
Healings and discourses, miracles
and parables all focus on Jesus’
faithful followers to prepare them
for the difficult days just ahead.

Lord, we’ll Seek U & Your Kingdom:
When Jesus came to the region
of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his
disciples: Who do people say that
the Son of Man is? They replied:
some say John the Baptist, some
say Elijah & others say Jeremiah
or one of the other prophets. Then
he asked them: Who do u say I am?
Simon Peter answered: You are
the Messiah, the Son of the
living God (Matthew 16:13-16).
(Jesus said): My Father in heaven
has revealed this to you… Now I say
to u that you are Peter & upon this
rock I will build my church (v17-18).
Jesus turned to Peter and said:
Get away from me, Satan! You are
seeing things merely from human
point of view, not from God’s (v23)
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