Gospel Truth in Matt 12-15 (Nov 4)

Seek Justice, Treasure & God’s Will

A turning point occurs in Matt 12
where mounting antagonism by
Jewish religious leaders erupts
into open denunciation of Jesus.
They demand yet another sign
to substantiate Jesus’ messianic
claims. After a rude reception
in His home town of Nazareth,
Jesus withdraws across the
Sea of Galilee to Tyre and Sidon
to escape growing opposition.

Lord Jesus, You’re our master,
Lord and king. Help us live
by your standards and boost
the growth of your kingdom.
Help us learn from Matthew 12-15
that even in challenging times
that we will not forget what
is close to Your heartbeat.
Help us Reach Out Less Fortunate;
help us Share Gospel Treasure &
help us Seek Your Perfect Will
by spending time with You. Amen
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