Gospel Truth in Matthew 11 (Nov 3)

Come & Receive God’s Rest

Jesus came to earth to begin his
kingdom. Matthew focuses on 10
miracles in Mt8&9 demonstrating
Jesus’ power over disease, the
forces of nature & the spirit world.
Christ then bestows that same
power & authority on His chosen
apostles and sends them out
as ambassadors of the kingdom.
He first instructs them how to
act, then warns them of the
dangers they will face, as He calls
them to committed discipleship.

Lord, we’ll come to You for Rest:
Jesus said: I praise You Father
because You have hidden these
things from the wise and learned
& revealed them to Little Children.
(Matthew 11:25)… COME to me,
all of you who are weary and
carry heavy burdens, and I’ll give
you rest. Take my yoke upon you.
Let me teach you and you will
Find Rest for your souls. For my
yoke fits perfectly and the burden
I give you is light (Matt 11:28-30).

Father, You reveal Your truth
to those with Childlike Hearts.
And we want to hear Your voice
in the midst of life circumstances
just like Jesus did. Bring us to
that place of listening. Give us
the sensitivity to hear and the
boldness to believe. For we
want to simply Trust & not worry.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Lord Jesus, thank You for setting
us free from our burdens and
attempts at trying to be good
enough for U. You had already
paid the price; and for us to try
to do more is to say that Your
death wasn’t sufficient. Thank You
that we can Simply Come to You
with all our weariness and heavy
burdens and that You will give us
the needed rest. In Yr name, Amen

Lord, thank you for your offer
to Carry All My Burdens for me.
I Give them all To You and gladly
Receive Your Rest! I place myself
under Your yoke to learn from U.
Teach me your wisdom that is
humble and help me to walk
in the ways you set before me.
Thank you for inviting me to live
my life resting and trusting in You.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.
