Gospel Truth in Mark 1 (Oct 13)

Seek God’s Purpose & Will

Mark begins his gospel without
genealogy, birth narrative or any
prologue. He begins with the
ministry of John the Baptist, the
forerunner who would prepare
the way for Jesus’ ministry of
Servanthood. Mark’s emphasis
throughout is on Christ’s works
rather than His words, as befitting
a Servant. Numerous miracles
of healing and exorcism precede
the personal calls of five disciples
– Andrew, Peter, James, John
and Matthew – and His choosing
of the seven other disciples.

Lord Jesus, You did not come
as a conquering king but as a
Servant. May Your example cause
us be willing to serve God & others.
Lord, we note worthy examples
in Mark 1 to be God seeking.
Grant us the grace like John the
Baptist to Seek solely Your Purpose.
Grant us the readiness & willingness
of apostles Peter, Andrew, James
and John to Follow after You. And
Grant us the grace to learn from
You to Seek the Father’s Will. Amen.
Continue reading “Gospel Truth in Mark 1 (Oct 13)”

Preview on the Gospels (Oct 13)

Preview on the Gospels

Friends, we have completed four
topical devotion series on Praying
through God’s Promises, Knowing,
Thanking & Praising God as well as
a two-year chronological coverage
of the Bible. Before starting an
expanded three year exposition
on the Bible in January, today
we launch the fifth topical series
on Praying through the Gospels.

The Gospel is the good news that
God in Jesus Christ has fulfilled
His promises to Israel, and that a
way of salvation has been opened
to all. But the Gospel is not just
about salvation in terms of eternal
and abundant life, it is also about
the power of God and much more.
We will learn more of what the
Gospel offers and what it entails
to live out the Gospel as we
meditate on the four gospels.

Dear Almighty & All-Loving God,
I pray even as Yr People meditate
on the holy and precious Gospel
that Your Spirit minister to their
soul and Will Energise them;
that they Will Experience
the blessings of a praying life;
that their Faith Will Arise and
they Will Trust & Obey You more
each day. In His name, Amen.
Continue reading “Preview on the Gospels (Oct 13)”