Prayer Thots on Rev 20 (Oct 11)

God Promises Victory Over Evil

Following the catastrophic
judgments of the seven vials,
John sees the doom of Babylon.
And a great multitude sings but
praises to God in anticipation of
the marriage supper of the Lamb.
A white horse emerges, mounted
by the King of Kings who destroys
the beast and the false prophet..
setting the stage for the coming
of a new heaven and new earth.
Once again God and his people
live in intimate fellowship. Amen.

Lord, You Triumph Over Evil:
Then I saw an angel coming down
from heaven with the key to the
bottomless pit and a heavy chain
in his hand. He seized the dragon..
who is the devil and bound him
in chains (Rev 20:1-2). The Devil
who betrayed them was thrown into
the lake of fire… joining the beast
and the false prophets. There they
will be tormented forever & ever.
And I saw a great white throne,
and I saw the one who was
sitting on it (v10-11). Amen.
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