Prayer Thot for the Day (Oct 7)

Imploring God thro His Promises
(God’s Promises for Your Needs)

Friends, we’ve completed 11 mths
of devotion on God’s Promises.
It clears lingering doubts whether
God cares about our requests.
How assuring to pray back to God
the promises found in His Word.
As we pray God’s promises, the
starting point is His Faithful Nature.
And we must always Trust God to
work In His Way and In His Time;
and Be Patient to Wait upon Him.

Dear Almighty & All-Loving God,
I pray even as Yr People meditate
on Your Scriptural Promises:
That Your Spirit minister to their
soul and Will Comfort them;
That they Will Experience the
blessings of a praying life; and
That their Faith Will Arise so that
they Will Trust You more and more.
In Jesus’ mighty name, Amen.

Friends, now for the second
instalment of the Biblical Promises
we have NT Promises listed below:
For Today’s Devotion, pick a post
that addresses your present need.

Go to Romans, if you need
Transformation & Hope In Christ.
Go to Corinthians, if you need
Strength to Live Rightly for Christ.
Go to Galatians, if you need
Liberty and Freedom In Christ.
Go to Ephesians, if you need
inspiration to Live Out your calling.
Go to Philippians, if you need
to Rest in God’s Peace & Joy.
Go to Colossians, if you need to
experience Complete Life in Christ.
Go to Thessalonians, if you need
Enabling & Establishing in Faith.
Go to 1&2 Timothy, if you need
Words of Assurance from the Lord.
Go to Hebrews, if you need to
be strengthened in your faith.
Go to James, if you need wisdom
and close relationship with God.
Go to 1&2 Peter, if you need
encouragement in your suffering.
Go to 1 John, if you need
assurances of faith and love.

Promises of God (Wk 25 Matthew)
May 1: God Is Always With U (Mt 1)
M2:G’s Word Keeps U from Sin(M4)
M3:G Helps those Dependent (Mt5)
M4:God Provides Your Needs (Mt6)

Promises of God (W26 Matthew)
M7: God Rewards Seekers (Mt 7)
M8: God Blesses Believers (Mt8)
M9: God Promises Rest to U (Mt 11)
M10: God Gives Direction (Mt 14)
M11: Nothing Impossible With G(17)

Promises of God (W27 Matthew)
M14:God Blesses P Agreement(18)
M15:God Exalts His Servants(M20)
M16: God Answers P of Faith(Mt21)
M17:Christ Promises Return(Mt 24)
M18: Jesus With U Always (Mt 28)

Promises of God (W28 Mark)
M21: God Helps Fight Temptn(Mt1)
M22: Christ Our Bread of Life(Mk8)
M23:G of Yr Desired Outcome (M9)
M24:G Enables & Rewards U(Mk10)
M25: God Answers P of Faith(Mk11)

Promises of God (W29 Luke)
M28: God of the Impossible (Lk 1)
M29: God Gives U Authority (Lk 10)
M30:G Loves Persistent Prayer(L11)
M31: God Favours the Ready (Lk12)
J1:Christ Urges Not Give Up (Lk18)

Promises of God (W30 John)
Jun4: Appealing God thro Promises
J5: God Gives U Eternal Life (Jn3)
J6: God Satisfies Yr Longings (Jn4)
J7: Christ Our Bread of Life (Jn 6)
J8: God Sets U Free In Christ (Jn8)

Promises of God (W31 John)
J11: Christ Will Take Care of U (J10)
J12: Christ Honours Followers (J12)
J13: Christ Gives U Peace (Jn 14)
J14: Christ Wants U Be Fruitful(J15)
J15: Christ Intercedes For You (J17)

Promises of God (W32 Acts)
J18:Christ Made Us Witnesses(A1)
J19:Christ Gives Power Source(A2)
J20: God Acts When We Pray (A13)
J21:Praising G Releases Power(A16)
J22: God Is Always Near You (A17)

Promises of God (W33 Romans)
J25: God Frees U From Sin (Rom 3)
J26: G Uses Problems Shape U(R5)
J27: HS Helps In Yr Distresses (R8)
J28: God Will Transform You (R12)
J29: G Overflows U with Hope(R15)

Promises of God (W34 First Cor)
Jul2:Appealing God thro Promises
J3: God’s Spirit Leads You (1C2)
J4: G Protects U In Temptn (1C10)
J5: God Promises Sp Gifts(12/14)
J6: Your Labour Not In Vain (1C15)

Promises of God (W35 2nd Cor)
J9: God Will Comfort You (2C1)
J10: God Will Enable You (2C3)
J11: G Empowers U In Afflictn (2C4)
J12: God Provides Armour (2C10)
J13: G’s Power In Weakness (2C12)

Promises of God (W36 Galatians)
J16: Christ Living in Me (G2)
J17: G Adopts U As His Child (G4)
J18: God Frees Us To Serve (G5)
J19: God Gives Spiritual Fruit (G5)
J20: God Promises We’ll Reap (G6)

Promises of God (W37 Ephesians)
J23: God Has Great Plan (E1)
J24: God Empowers Works (E2)
J25: God Loves & Empowers U (E3)
J26: God Enables Sp Filled Life (E5)
J27: God Provides Sp Armour (E6)

Promises of God (W38 Philippians)
J30: God Completes Work (P1)
J31: God Empowers U to Obey (P2)
Aug1:God Helps You Press On (P3)
A2: God Grants You Peace (P4)
A3: God Supplies Your Need (P4)

Promises of God (W39 Colossians)
A6: Appealing God thro Promises
A7: Christ Living In You (Col 1)
A8: You’re Complete In Christ(Col2)
A9: G Gives Power of New Life (C3)
A10:God Hears Intercession (Col 4)

Promises of God (W40 Thess)
A13: God Honours Yr Faith (1Ths 1)
A14: God Will Sanctify You (1Ths 5)
A15:God Enables Call (2Thess 1)
A16: God Estab Good Work (2Ths2)
A17:G Protects His Servants(2Ths3)

Promises of God (W41 1st Timothy)
A20:God Patient Towards U(1Tim 1)
A21: God Desires Unity (1Tim 2)
A22: God Desires Goodness (1T4)
A23: G Desires Eternal Minded(1T6)
A24: God Desires Grace (Philem)

Promises of God (W42 2 Timothy)
A27: God Helps U Do Right (2Tim 1)
A28: G Remains Faithful to U (2T2)
A29: G Gives Word of Life (2Tim 3)
A30: G Stands By Faithful (2Tim 4)
A31: God Desires Holy Living (Tit 2)

Promises of God (W43 Hebrews)
Sep 3: P of Joy, Fullness & Faith
S4:God Welcomes U to Throne(H4)
S5: God Keep His Promises (H6)
S6: Christ Interceding For You (H7)
S7: God Gives Better Covenant(H8)

Promises of God (W44 Hebrews)
S10: God Gives Freedom (Heb 9)
S11: God Changes Yr Mindset (H10)
S12: God Honours Your Faith (H11)
S13: Christ Finisher of Yr Faith(H12)
S14: God Will Never Forsake U(H13)

Promises of God (W45 James)
S17: God Helps in Trouble (Jas 1)
S18: God Wants to Befriend U (J2)
S19: God Grants U Wisdom (Jas 3)
S20: God Draws Near to U (Jas 4)
S21: God Answers Faith Prayers(J5)

Promises of God (W46 1&2 Peter)
S24: God Gives U Living Hope (1P1)
S25:God Sets U Free In Christ (1P2)
S26:G Eyes those Doing Right(1P3)
S27:Lord Enables Godly Living(2P1)
S28: God Is Patient to All (2Pet 3)

Promises of God (W47 1 John)
Oct1: God Pr Forgiveness (1Jn 1)
Oct2:God Pr You’ll Be Like Him(1J3)
Oct3: G Gives Ability to Love (1J4)
Oct4: God Listens Your Prayer(1J5)
Oct5:G Keeps U Fr Stumbling(Jude)

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