Prayer Thots on 1 John 1 (Oct 1)

God Promises Forgiveness

The apostle John, who is enjoying
a delightful fellowship with God,
earnestly desires that his spiritual
children enjoy that same fellowship
and writes I John telling them how:
God is Light and therefore to
engage in fellowship with Him
means walking in the light of
His commandments. God is love,
and thus His children must walk
in love. And God is life, and those
who desire fellowship with Him
must possess the spiritual life,
which begins with spiritual birth
through faith in Jesus Christ.

Lord, we’ll Confess & U Forgive:
If we claim to be without sin,
we deceive ourselves
and the truth is not in us.
If we confess our sins, He is
faithful and just and will forgive
us our sins and purify us from
all unrighteousness (1 John 1:8-9)
Whoever conceals their sins
does not prosper, but the ones
who confesses & renounces them
finds mercy (Prov 28:13) Amen.
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Prayer Support for China (Oct 1)

Father, together we call for
Your protection and mercy
over Your children in China.
Holy Spirit, we ask that You
manifest your mighty presence
and mighty dunamis power
so that the Chinese will not
be fearful but instead they be
embolden for they know that they
worship the true and living God.
And dear Jesus, we ask that
You will continue to intercede
for our dear brothers & sisters
in Christ. In Your Name, Amen.