Praying thro Revelation (Sep 30)

Final Victory & All Things New
(Prayer Walk thro Rev 17-22)

Following the catastrophic
judgments of the seven vials,
John sees the doom of Babylon.
And a great multitude sings but
praises to God in anticipation of
the marriage supper of the Lamb.
A white horse emerges, mounted
by the King of Kings who destroys
the beast and the false prophet..
setting the stage for the coming
of a new heaven and new earth.
Once again God and his people
live in intimate fellowship. Amen.

Lord, the revelation on end times
is both a warning to Christians
who have grown apathetic and
an encouragement to those who
are faithfully enduring struggles.
It reassures us that good will
triumph over evil, gives us hope
as we face difficulties & guides us
when we’re wavering in our faith.
Lord, we praise You for being in
control & rejoice that You Reign,
that You Triumph Over Evil, and
that U make All Things New. Amen

Lord, we rejoice for You Reign:
Then a voice came from the
throne, saying: Praise our God
all you His servants & those who
fear Him…And I heard the voice
of a great multitude: Alleluia for
the Lord God Omnipotent reigns!
Let us be glad and rejoice and
give Him glory, for the marriage
of the Lamb has come & the wife
has made herself ready(Rev 19:5-7)
Lord, we praise You for the future;
for You’ve promised that it’s good.
Thank U that my ultimate aim and
hope is to be with You in heaven.
I praise You for Your future
redemption of the world and
all things in my life. As I worship
You now, I thank You that one day
we will worship You face to face
for all eternity. In His name, Amen

Lord, You Triumph Over Evil:
The Devil who betrayed them
was thrown into the lake of fire
that burns with sulfur, joining
the beast and the false prophets.
There they will be tormented
day and night forever and ever.
And I saw a great white throne,
and I saw the one who was sitting
on it. The earth and sky fled from
his presence but they found
no place to hide (Rev 20:10-11).
Sovereign God, You are on the
throne. You have already overcome
the enemy and you are the victor.
Living in the end times, may I
spend less time worrying about
a defeated enemy and more time
concerned about those who need
the truth. Help me remember
that time is limited and how I play
the game of live is critical. Amen.

Lord, You make All Things New:
And God will wipe every tear from
their eyes. There will be no more
death or mourning or pain, for the
former things have passed away.
… I am making everything new!
… these words are trustworthy
and true (Rev 21:4-5). Amen.
Father, when I am sad, keep me
from despair. And remind me that
Christ has defeated sin & death.
The day is coming when the world
will be put right and all sorrow
will cease. Praise You holy name.
And Thank you for the promise
of making everything new.
Thank You for making heaven
a place of infinite joy. Amen.