Prayer Thots on 2 Peter 3 (Sep 28)

God Is Kind & Patient to All

Defection within the community
of believers can be devastating.
To counteract the effects of this
“poison”, Peter reminds his readers
of the timeless truths of the faith
and exhorts them to continue
growing toward Christian maturity.

Lord, You are Long-Suffering:
The Lord is not slack concerning
His promise… but is longsuffering
toward us, not willing that any
should perish but that all should
come to repentance (2 Pet 3:9).
But the day of the Lord will
come as unexpectedly as a thief.
Then the heavens will pass away…
& the earth and everything on it…
But we are looking forward to the
new heavens and new earth he
has promised, a world filled with
God’s righteousness (v10-13) Amen
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