Praying thro Revelation (Sep 22)

God’s Word for Seven Churches
(Prayer Walk thro Rev 1-3)

After greeting the seven churches
in Asia Minor, John describes
how he received his orders to write.
Each church needs a particular
message, and John is commanded
to tailor his exhortation to fit each
scriptural need. Each message
begins with the expression: I know
thy works; each contains a promise
“to him that overcometh”; each
concludes with the warning:
He that hath ear, let him hear what
the Spirit says to the churches.
In short, John sends words of
reproof and reassurance from
Jesus Christ, the Alphs & Omega
to each of the seven churches.

Lord, thank you for the lessons
from the letter to seven churches.
We willingly receive Your charge
to constantly fight against the
temptation to become loveless,
immoral, lenient, compromising,
lifeless or casual about our faith.
Thank You for loving us so much
and wanting relationship with us.
We will Come Back to first love
and we will Draw Near to You.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.
Continue reading “Praying thro Revelation (Sep 22)”

Preview on Revelation (Sep 22)

Preview on Revelation

We have been Chronologically
covering the Bible phase by phase.
We start the Gospels, with Jesus
presented as the Perfect Servant,
Savior of the world, Messianic King
and the Son of God, before Acts
chronicles Growth of the Church.
Then Paul urges the Galatians to
live by Faith alone, Thessalonians
to Serve ahead of Second Coming,
to Corinthians to Live Rightly,
to Romans Justification by Faith,
to Eph Living as Body of Christ,
to Colossians Doctrinal Purity and
to Philippians Unity of the Spirit;
before Paul’s pastoral letters and
then pursing Maturity in Hebrews,
Practical Christianity in James,
Maturing thro tough times in 1/2Pet
Walking in Love in the 3 letters of
John & Keeping the Faith in Jude.

And finally we reach Revelation.
Just as the first book of the Bible
– Genesis – provides the opening
chapter of God’s redemptive
program, so the last book supplies
the conclusions as it describes
the return of Jesus Christ and
the creation of a new heaven
and earth. Revelation portrays
Jesus Christ as the victorious
King and coming Judge. Writing
from exile on the Island of Patmos,
John uses a dramatic series of
symbolic word pictures to capture
the awesome holiness of the
Lamb of God coming to defeat
Satan’s forces and judge the
world in perfect righteousness.
Continue reading “Preview on Revelation (Sep 22)”