PrayerThots on Heb 12 (Sep 13)

Christ the Finisher of Your Faith

Hebrews closes with an appeal for
a persevering Faith that relies on
the promises of God regardless
of the circumstances. Writing to
an audience whose actions were
being shaped by pressure from
the world rather than promises
from God, the author urges the
kind of Faith-inspired walk that
characterised so many OT saints.
Being so convinced of God’s
Faithfulness, they ordered their
lives according to His Word. Follow
their commendable example and
walk by Faith; and not by sight!

Lord, help us Endure the Race:
Since we are surrounded by
so great a cloud of witnesses,
let us lay aside every weight and
the sin which so easily ensnares us,
and let us run with endurance
the race that is set before us,
Looking unto Jesus, the author
and finisher of our faith, who for
the joy that was set before Him
endured the cross (Heb 12:1-2).

Father, I want to keep my eyes
on Jesus, my Saviour & Master.
Help me and grant me the grace
to consciously turn my eyes away
from my problems and the things
of this world. And help me focus
on the one upon whom my faith
depends from start to the finish.
Open up my ears to Your voice
and Soften my heart towards You
to live closely, deeply & boldly in U.
In the name above all names, Amen

Lord, thank you for the promise
in Isa 26:3-4: You will keep in
perfect peace those whose minds
are steadfast, because they trust
in You. Trust in the Lord… for the
Lord himself is the Rock eternal.
Lord, You promise peace to those
who trust in You and set their
minds on You – the solid and
dependable one. You are worthy
of my full trust for You are my rock.
As long as I look to You, I cannot
be shaken for U are with me. Amen

Lord, I purpose to run the race
by keeping my eyes on You
Jesus, the champion who
initiates and perfects our faith.
Jesus, it is so easy to forget
that my life is all about You.
My desire to follow You,
my longing to hear Your voice.
It really all about You. As You
live Your life within me, let
my spiritual ears open up and
my heart softens towards God.
And may You live fully, deeply,
boldly in my total being. Amen.