Praying thro 2 Peter (Sep 2)

Growing Toward Christian Maturity
(Prayer Walk thro 2 Pet 1-3)

While Peter’s audience is the same
as in his first letter, his theme and
purpose are different. Persecution
from unbelievers can be hard
for Christians to bear (1 Peter),
but defection within the community
of believers can be even more
devastating (2 Peter). To counter-
act the effects of this “poison”,
Peter reminds his readers of the
timeless truths of the faith and
exhorts them to continue growing
toward Christian maturity.

Father, apostle Peter exhorts us
to be diligent in Christian growth.
In this regard, help us O Lord,
to keep on knowing more of You,
remember what Christ taught us
& be diligent in faithful obedience.
And we claim your promises:
that You Enable Godly Living;
that You Rescue & Free us; and
that You are Long-Suffering. Amen.

Lord, You Enable Godly Living:
By His divine power, God has given
us everything we need for living
a godly life. We have received
all of this by coming to know him,
the one who called us to Himself
by means of His marvellous glory
and excellence. He has given us
great & precious promises. These
are the promises that enable you to
share His divine nature (2Pet 1:3-4)
Lord Jesus, exercise your divine
power within me. Teach me how
to tap into Your limitless supply
so that I will never find myself
lacking in anything that You offer.
Holy Spirit, fill me continually and
be present within me. I want to
experience You more than I do.
Increase daily the evidence of
Your presence in my life. And make
Your home in me so that I can
become a clear demonstration of
Your goodness & who U are. Amen

Lord, You Rescue & Free us:
The Lord knows how to rescue
godly people from their trials,
even while keeping the wicked
under punishment until the day
of final judgment (2 Pet 2:9).
Lord, most of us may be struggling
with some sin pattern in our life.
But Your Word says that You
will help us escape temptation
each time it arises if we ask of U.
Your promise is to rescue us from
doing what we know we shouldn’t.
For You care about everything
in our life & that You will always
rise to the occasion for us. Amen.

Lord, You are Long-Suffering:
Christ Jesus display His immense
patience as an example for those
who would believe in Him and
receive eternal life (1Tim 1:16).
The Lord is not slack concerning
His promise… but is longsuffering
toward us, not willing that any
should perish but that all should
come to repentance (2Pet 3:9).
Lord, thanks for showing mercy &
not treating me as my sins deserve.
You are patient towards sinners.
So, help me encourage others
to seek your mercy and grace.
For what you have done in my life,
You will surely do for others. Amen.