Preview on Colossians (Jul 7)

We have been Chronologically
covering the Bible phase by phase.
We start the Gospels, with Jesus
presented as the Servant in Mark,
the Savior of the world in Luke,
Israel’s Messianic King in Matthew
and the Son of God in John gospel.
We have also covered Acts which
chronicles Growth of the Church.
Then Paul urges the Galatians to
live by Faith alone, Thessalonians
to Serve ahead of Second Coming,
to Corinthians to Live Rightly,
to Romans Justification by Faith &
Ephesians living as Body of Christ.

Next, we continue into Colossians.
Paul is imprisoned in Rome when
he receives word that heretical
doctrines are threatening the
church at Colosse. To refute the
spiritually lethal combination of
eastern mysticism and Jewish
legalism, Paul reestablishes the
truth of the gospel & demonstrates
the supremacy of Christ. As Lord
of all, Jesus Christ is the giver
of salvation and sufficient for
every need. Since Christ is all in all,
Paul encourages the Colossians
to pursue a godly lifestyle befitting
those who are risen with Christ.

We cover Paul’s letter to Colossians
over one weekend in 2 divisions:-
Col 1-2: What Christ Has Done
Col3-4: What Christians Should Do
Lookout for it to better understand
that Christians have everything
they need in Christ and hence
be strengthened in your faith.

Preview on Philippians (Jul 14)

We have been Chronologically
covering the Bible phase by phase.
We start the Gospels, with Jesus
presented as the Servant in Mark,
the Savior of the world in Luke,
Israel’s Messianic King in Matthew
and the Son of God in John gospel.
We have also covered Acts which
chronicles Growth of the Church.
Then Paul urges the Galatians to
live by Faith alone, Thessalonians
to Serve ahead of Second Coming,
to Corinthians to Live Rightly,
to Romans Justification by Faith,
Ephesians living as Body of Christ
and to Colossians Doctrinal Purity.

Next, we continue into Philippians.
Paul is now a prisoner in Rome.
In spite of difficult circumstances,
he remains joyful and writes to
commend the Philippians for their
faithfulness and to challenge them
to make Christ the center of their
experience. Jesus’ life & ministry,
described in P2:6-11, is the life
pattern believers should follow
so that their faith might become
evident to others.Paul recognises
that divisions sometimes exist
among believers but is confident
that unity will be restored as they
imitate the servanthood of Christ.

We cover Paul’s letter to Philippians
over one weekend in 2 divisions:-
Phil 1-2: Rejoice In God’s Will
Phil 3-4: Resting In God’s Peace
Lookout for it to better understand
that True Joy comes from having
relationship with Jesus Christ. And
hence be strengthened in your faith
especially in difficult circumstances

Praying thro Philippians (Jul 15)

Resting in God’s Peace
(Prayer Walk thro Phil 3-4)

Backgrounder: Philippians is a
joyful letter, written by Paul from
a prison cell in Rome to one of
the churches he founded on
his second missionary journey.
It is a letter of encouragement in
the midst of persecution. There
is much for Paul to rejoice about:
the Philippians’ repeated financial
assistance, the hope of visiting
the Philippian believers soon,
and the church’s steadfast
testimony for the gospel. Though
that testimony is threatened by
divisions in the church, Paul is
confident unity will be restored
as they imitate the humility and
servanthood of Christ. And Paul
urges: Rejoice in the Lord always.

Dear Lord Jesus, thank you that
we can rejoice at all times because
we know You & You are in control.
Help us to Rest in Your Peace even
as we aim to further Your kingdom.
Help us Focus on the Goal;
help us Pray & Give Thanks; and
help us Fix on Positive Thots. Amen
Continue reading “Praying thro Philippians (Jul 15)”

Praying thro Philippians (Jul 14)

Joy in Suffering & Serving
(Prayer Walk thro Phil 1-2)

Backgrounder: Philippians is a
joyful letter, written by Paul from
a prison cell in Rome to one of
the churches he founded on
his second missionary journey
(Acts16). In spite of Paul’s adverse
circumstances, Philippians is a
letter of encouragement in the
midst of persecution. There is
much for Paul to rejoice about:
the Philippians’ repeated financial
assistance, the hope of visiting
the Philippian believers soon,
and the church’s steadfast
testimony for the gospel.

Dear Lord Jesus, thank you that
we can rejoice at all times because
we know You & You are in control.
Help us to be joyful in every
circumstance, even when things
are going badly and even when
we feel like only complaining.
Help us to Humble ourselves;
and Help us to Obey Your Will.
And thank U for the promise that
You will Complete the Good Work
that You have started. Amen.
Continue reading “Praying thro Philippians (Jul 14)”

Preview on Philippians (Jul 14)

Preview on Philippians

We have been Chronologically
covering the Bible phase by phase.
We start the Gospels, with Jesus
presented as the Servant in Mark,
the Savior of the world in Luke,
Israel’s Messianic King in Matthew
and the Son of God in John gospel.
We have also covered Acts which
chronicles Growth of the Church.
Then Paul urges the Galatians to
live by Faith alone, Thessalonians
to Serve ahead of Second Coming,
to Corinthians to Live Rightly,
to Romans Justification by Faith,
Ephesians living as Body of Christ
and to Colossians Doctrinal Purity.

Next, we continue into Philippians.
Paul is now a prisoner in Rome.
In spite of difficult circumstances,
he remains joyful and writes to
commend the Philippians for their
faithfulness and to challenge them
to make Christ the center of their
experience. Jesus’ life & ministry,
described in P2:6-11, is the life
pattern believers should follow
so that their faith might become
evident to others.Paul recognises
that divisions sometimes exist
among believers but is confident
that unity will be restored as they
imitate the servanthood of Christ.
Continue reading “Preview on Philippians (Jul 14)”

Prayer Thot for the Day (Jul 13)

God’s Strength In Your Weakness

Backgrounder on 2 Cor 6-13:
Paul defended his ministry by
showing how individuals can be
reconciled to a loving God. And
he pleads with the Corinthian
church to be reconciled to
him as their spiritual father.
In his final words, Paul draws upon
his authority as an apostle to exhort
the rebellious to repent so that
his approaching visit can be a time
of rejoicing rather than rebuke.

Lord, we will be Enabled by You:
Three different times I begged
the Lord to take (my thorn in the
flesh) away. Each time He said:
My grace is all you need.
My power works best in weakness.
So now I am glad to boast about
my weaknesses, so that the power
of Christ can work through me.
That’s why I take pleasure in
my weaknesses, hardships and
troubles that I suffer for Christ.
For when I am weak, then I am
strong (2 Cor 12:8-10). Amen.
Continue reading “Prayer Thot for the Day (Jul 13)”

Prayer Thot for the Day (Jul 12)

God Provides Weapons for Warfare

Backgrounder on 2 Cor 6-13:
Paul defended his ministry by
showing how individuals can be
reconciled to a loving God. And
he pleads with the Corinthian
church to be reconciled to
him as their spiritual father.
In his final words, Paul draws upon
his authority as an apostle to exhort
the rebellious to repent so that
his approaching visit can be a time
of rejoicing rather than rebuke.

Lord, we’ll use Yr mighty weapons:
We are humans but we don’t wage
war with human plans & methods.
We use God’s mighty weapons, not
mere worldly weapons, to knock
down the Devil’s strongholds.
With these weapons we break
down every proud argument that
keeps people from knowing God.
With these weapons we conquer
their rebellious ideas & teach them
to obey Christ (2Cor 10:3-6) Amen.
Continue reading “Prayer Thot for the Day (Jul 12)”

Prayer Thot for the Day (Jul 11)

God Empowers You In Afflictions

Backgrounder on 2 Cor 1-5:
Paul opens his 2nd epistle to the
Corinthians by establishing his
authority & source of his revelation.
He then praises God for what
He has done. In contrast to the
old covenant which condemned,
the glorious new covenant sealed
by Jesus’ own blood, makes
God’s ministers bold & effective
in calling people to repentance.

Lord, we will Tap to Your Power:
This light & power that now shine
within us is held in our weak bodies
So everyone can see that our
glorious power is from God and
not our own. We are pressed on
every side by troubles but we are
not broken. We are perplexed but
we don’t give up and quit… God
never abandons us (2Cor 4:7-9).
Our present troubles won’t last very
long. Yet they produce for us an
immeasurably great glory that will
last forever! So we don’t look at
the troubles we can see right now;
rather we look forward to what we
have not yet seen. For the troubles
will soon be over; but the joys to
come will last forever (17-18) Amen
Continue reading “Prayer Thot for the Day (Jul 11)”

Prayer Thot for the Day (Jul 10)

God Will Enable You

Backgrounder on 2Cor 1-3:
Paul opens his 2nd epistle to the
Corinthians by establishing his
authority & source of his revelation.
He then praises God for what
He has done. In contrast to the
old covenant which condemned,
the glorious new covenant sealed
by Jesus’ own blood, makes
God’s ministers bold & effective
in calling people to repentance.

Lord, You Will Make Us Able:
You are an epistle of Christ…
written by the Spirit of God…
Such confidence we have through
Christ. Not that we are sufficient
of ourselves to think of anything
as being from ourselves but our
sufficiency is fr God (2Cor 3:3-5).
Whenever someone turns to
the Lord, the veil is taken away…
So all of us who have had the veil
removed can see and reflect the
glory of the Lord. And the Lord…
makes us more and more like
Him as we are changed into His
glorious image (v16-18). Amen.
Continue reading “Prayer Thot for the Day (Jul 10)”

Prayer Thot for the Day (Jul 9)

God Will Comfort You

Backgrounder on 2Cor 1-3:
Paul opens his second epistle
to the Corinthians the same way
he began his first by establishing
his authority and documenting the
source of his revelation. He then
praises God for what He has done
for Timothy & him. In contrast to
the old covenant which condemned
the glorious new covenant sealed
in Jesus’ own blood, makes
God’s ministers bold & effective
in calling people to repentance.

Lord, we will Comfort Others:
All Praise to God and Father of
our Lord Jesus Christ. He is the
source of every mercy and the
God who comforts us. He comforts
us in all our troubles so that
we can comfort others. When
others are troubled, we will be able
to give them the same comfort
God has given us (2Cor 1:3-4).
Continue reading “Prayer Thot for the Day (Jul 9)”