Prayer Thot for the Day (Jul 12)

God Provides Weapons for Warfare

Backgrounder on 2 Cor 6-13:
Paul defended his ministry by
showing how individuals can be
reconciled to a loving God. And
he pleads with the Corinthian
church to be reconciled to
him as their spiritual father.
In his final words, Paul draws upon
his authority as an apostle to exhort
the rebellious to repent so that
his approaching visit can be a time
of rejoicing rather than rebuke.

Lord, we’ll use Yr mighty weapons:
We are humans but we don’t wage
war with human plans & methods.
We use God’s mighty weapons, not
mere worldly weapons, to knock
down the Devil’s strongholds.
With these weapons we break
down every proud argument that
keeps people from knowing God.
With these weapons we conquer
their rebellious ideas & teach them
to obey Christ (2Cor 10:3-6) Amen.
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