Prayer Thot for the Day (Jul 10)

God Will Enable You

Backgrounder on 2Cor 1-3:
Paul opens his 2nd epistle to the
Corinthians by establishing his
authority & source of his revelation.
He then praises God for what
He has done. In contrast to the
old covenant which condemned,
the glorious new covenant sealed
by Jesus’ own blood, makes
God’s ministers bold & effective
in calling people to repentance.

Lord, You Will Make Us Able:
You are an epistle of Christ…
written by the Spirit of God…
Such confidence we have through
Christ. Not that we are sufficient
of ourselves to think of anything
as being from ourselves but our
sufficiency is fr God (2Cor 3:3-5).
Whenever someone turns to
the Lord, the veil is taken away…
So all of us who have had the veil
removed can see and reflect the
glory of the Lord. And the Lord…
makes us more and more like
Him as we are changed into His
glorious image (v16-18). Amen.

Lord, I realise the areas which
I feel inadequate or struggle,
draw me to You. And that I am
able to accomplish what You ask
of me only through Your power.
Thank you for your Word for in it
I learn that You are my adequacy
and my sufficiency. May my
confidence always be in You
through Christ Jesus; and then
You will receive all praise. Amen.

Lord, teach me the art of looking
to You instead of the problems.
Remind me that anything of
lasting value in my life is because
of You, not me. Power & success
come from You. Give me eyes
of faith so that I might press on
even when I feel the challenges
are too overwhelming. Amen.

Lord, thank you for loving me
enough to work in me. Make me
aware of your presence and make
me cooperative with Your Spirit.
Give me unveiled encounters;
for I know there are no limits in
knowing You & be known by You.
I want to reflect as much of Your
glory as You will allow. Although
I may not always see signs of
change but pray others can. Amen