Praying thro Colossians (Jul 8)

Living Out Complete Life In Christ
(Prayer Walk thro Col 3-4)

Backgrounder: Heresy that Jesus
is neither central nor supreme is
undermining the Colossian church.
Paul’s responds to these false
teachings by upholding Christ as
the Preeminent Head of the church
and speaks against man-made
regulations & ritualistic worship.
Instead of their present practices,
Paul encourages them to pursue
a godly life befitting those who
are risen with Christ (Col 3:1).

Lord Jesus,we praise U as Supreme
God as well as Head of the Church;
and we pledge our loyalty to You.
Help us be Christ-centered and
live in Constant Contact with You.
Help us to Be Heavenly Minded;
help us Seek Your Voice & Will; and
help us Pray for One Another. Amen

Lord, we’ll Be Heavenly Minded:
Since you have been raised to
new life with Christ, set your sights
on the realities of heaven, where
Christ sits at God’s right hand
in the place of honour and power.
Let Heaven Fill Your Thots. Do not
think only about things down here
on earth. For you died when Christ
died, and your real life is hidden
with Christ in God (Col 3:1-3).
Lord, help me to see with new
eyes of faith from these days.
Instead of the troubles of my life
in this world, help me focus my
vision on You, the author and
finisher of my faith; the lover
as well as the keeper of my soul.
Help me to trust in the realities
of Your kingdom more than
I trust what I can experience
with my physical body. Amen.

Lord, we Seek Your Voice & Will:
Let the message about Christ,
in all its richness, fill your lives.
Teach and counsel each other
with all the wisdom He gives.
Sing psalms and hymns and
spiritual songs to God with
thankful hearts (Col 3:16). Amen.
Lord, We want to find truth and
meaning & live purposeful lives.
But we are often confused and
disillusioned; for the world is full
of lies, fears and unholy agendas.
Help us focus even as we purpose
to fill our hearts and minds with
Your words and spiritual songs so
that our spirits be more sensitive
to Your voice and Your Will. Amen.

Lord, we will Pray For One Another:
Devote yourselves to prayer with
an alert mind and a thankful heart.
Don’t forget to pray for us too,
that God will give us many
opportunities to preach Christ…
Epaphras from your city, always
prays earnestly for u, asking God
to make you strong and perfect,
fully confident of the whole Will
of God (Col 4:2-3 & v12). Amen.
Lord, help us to truly realise that
prayer is the most important work
and that it’s worth our time & effort.
Grant us the strength of heart and
perseverance that Epaphras had,
to pray earnestly for our children
and fellow Christians that they will
become mature believers. Make us
strong and complete and help us to
live fully confident of Yr Will. Amen.