Prayer Thot for the Day (Jul 6)

Your Labour is Not In Vain

Backgrounder on 1 Cor 15-16:
False teachers had been confusing
the Corinthians by denying the
doctrine of physical resurrection.
Paul defends the Resurrection
as a historical fact confirmed
by more than 500 eyewitnesses.
The Resurrection provides hope
for the believer’s body and soul
as well as motivates believers to
abound in the work of the Lord.

Lord, thanks for Confident Hope:
For when the trumpet is blown,
those who have died will be raised
to live forever. And we who are
Living will also be transformed…
O death, where is your victory ?
O death, where is your sting ?
For sin is the sting that results in
death & the law gives sin its power.
But thank God! He gives us victory
over sin and death through our Lord
Jesus Christ (1Cor 15:52, 55-57).
Therefore… be steadfast,
immovable, always abounding
in the work of the Lord, knowing
that your labour is Not In Vain
in the Lord (1Cor 15:58). Amen.
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