Prayer Thot for the Day (Jun 29)

God Overflows You With Hope

Backgrounder on Romans 12-16:
What u believe affect how u behave
For 11 chapters Paul has set forth
the doctrine of the Christian faith.
The balance of his letter moves
into the practical outworking of
that faith. For every assignment,
there is a enablement from God:
Serve one another using the gifts
God gave you; be subject to higher
authorities; be sensitive to needs
of weaker brothers; be united
in purpose & have mind of Christ.

Lord,fill us with Joy, Peace & Hope:
Therefore receive one another
just as Christ also received us…
May the God of Hope fill you with
all joy and peace as you trust
Him so that you may Overflow
with Hope by the power of the
Holy Spirit (Rom 15:7, 13). Amen.
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