Prayer Thot for the Day (Jun 25)

Merciful God Frees You From Sin

Backgrounder on Romans 1-3:
Paul begins by describing the
helpless condition of humanity. A
rebellious nature has led to rejectn
of the Creator & worship of creation
God in turn has permitted the
sinful nature of human beings
to express the fullness of its
corruption and the whole human
race stands helpless before God.
Truly, all have sinned and come
short of the glory of God (R3:23).

Lord, we’re Grateful for Your Mercy:
All have sinned; all fall short of
God’s glorious standard. Yet now
God in his gracious kindness
declares us Not Guilty. He has
done this through Christ Jesus,
who has Freed us by Taking Away
our sins. For God sent Jesus to
take the punishment for our sins..
We are made right with God
when we believe that Jesus
shed his blood, sacrificing his
life for us (Rom 3:23-25). Amen.
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