Praying thro Romans (Jun 24)

Practice of Righteousness
(Prayer Walk thro Rom 12-16)

Backgrounder: What you believe
will always affect how you behave.
For 11 chapters Paul has set forth
the doctrine of the Christian faith.
The balance of his letter moves
into the practical outworking of
that faith. For every assignment,
there is a enablement from God:
Serve one another using the gifts
God has given you; be subject
to the higher authorities, using
the Savior’s attitude of love and
submission; be sensitive to the
needs of weaker brothers in
matters of conscience; be united in
purpose, having the mind of Christ.

Lord, thanks for Paul’s practical
guidelines for believers in R12-16.
Help us not only just merely know
the gospel; but also let it really
transform our lives and let You
impact every aspect of our lives.
Lord, help us be Living Sacrifice;
help us be Instrument of Peace &
grant us Joy, Peace & Hope. Amen

Lord, we will be Living Sacrifice:
Dear brothers and sisters, I plead
with u to give your bodies to God.
Let them be a living and holy
sacrifice – the kind he will accept.
When you think of what he has
done for u, is this too much to ask?
Don’t copy the behaviour and
customs of this world, but let God
transform you into a new person
by changing the way you think.
Then you will know what God
wants you to do, and you will know
how good and pleasing & perfect
His will really is (Rom 12:1-2) Amen
Lord, I don’t know what these days
will hold, but I give myself to You
as a living sacrifice. Renew and
transform my mind with your truth.
Make me a new person, and
show me what You want me to do,
the person U want me to minister.
And all glory be unto You. Amen.

Lord, make us Instrument of Peace:
Each of us shall give account of
himself to God. Therefore let us
not judge one another (R14:12-14)
For the kingdom of God is (about)
righteousness and peace and joy
in the Holy Spirit… Therefore
let us pursue the things which
make for peace and the things
by which one may (build) each
other up (Rom 14:17-19) Amen.
Lord, help us not to critical and
to dispute over doubtful things.
Help us not to judge one another &
resolve not to be stumbling block.
And show me where I can be Your
peacemaker. And grant me grace
to be willing to pay the price. Amen.

Lord,fill us with Joy, Peace & Hope:
May the God of hope fill you
with all joy and peace as you
trust Him, so that you may
overflow with hope by the power
of the Holy Spirit (Rom 15:13).
Lord, help me to resist the things
that will minimise my strength or
deplete my soul. Fill me instead
with Your hope, peace and joy,
so much so that they overflow
from me to others. I praise You
for who You are and thank You
that as I do, Your Spirit pours
new life into me. Fill me afresh
with Your Spirit this day and
take all hopelessness away. Amen