Praying Thro Romans (Jun 17)

Walking By Faith in Trying Times
(Prayer Walk thro Rom 3-5)

Backgrounder: After painting
humanity’s sorry condition, Paul
turns to God’s merciful solution.
Jesus Christ’s death on the cross
has paid sin’s penalty and satisfied
God’s righteous demand. To the
one who in faith accepts Jesus’
full payment, God stamps across
the debt of sin: “Paid in Full.”
That is justification. Its basis is
the work of Christ; its means is
the grace of God; its requirement
is faith in God and His promise.
Abraham and David are examples
showing how justification brings
peace & access,hope & forgiveness
to the one who has faith in God.

Lord, our sin points out our need
to be forgiven and be cleansed.
Although we don’t deserve it,
You God in Your kindness,
reached out to forgive us; by providing Christ for us to be saved.
Lord,in life there may be challenges
but we Believe in Your Promises;
we Allow Problems Shape us; &
we Rejoice in Yr Friendship. Amen

Lord, we’ll Believe Your Promise:
When God promised Abraham that
he would become the father of
many nations, Abraham believed
him…even though such a promise
seemed utterly impossible!
Abraham’s faith did not weaken
even though he knew that he was
too old to be a father at the age
of 100 and that Sarah his wife had
never been able to have children.
Abraham never wavered believing
God’s promise. In fact, his faith
grew stronger…He was absolutely
convinced God was able to do
anything he promised. Because of
Abraham’s faith, God declared him
righteous (Rom 4:18-22). Amen.
Lord, like Abraham You may give
us a promise without any details.
All we can really do is to wait and
that seems extremely frustrating.
Like Abraham, we will choose
against all hope, hope anyway, and
believe what You promised; for
U are God of impossibilities. Amen

Lord, we Allow Problems Shape us:
We can rejoice too when we run
into problems and trials, for we
know that they are good for us,
they help us to endure. And
endurance develops strength of
character in us, and character
strengthens our confident
expectation of salvation.
And this expectation will not disappoint us. For we know how
dearly God loves us (Rom 5:3-4).
Lord, You want me to trust You
in the hard times. Rejoicing isn’t
natural for me, so make it my
supernatural response to pressures
and difficulties in my life. Lord,
Teach me to endure so that my faith will grow & get stronger. Amen

Lord, we Rejoice in Your Friendship:
God demonstrates His own love
towards us in that while we were
still sinners, Christ died for us…
Since we’re restored to friendship
with God by the death of his Son
while we were still sinners, we will
certainly be delivered from eternal
punishment by his life. So now
we can rejoice in our wonderful
new relationship with God – all
because of what our Lord Jesus
Christ has done for us in making
us friends of God (Rom 5:8-11).
Father, I rejoice in my relationship
with You God all because of what
Jesus Christ has done for me.
Having an intimate relationship
with Jesus also enable me have
an eternal perspective about
anything that may happen to me.
I gratefully praise you for the joy
such a friendship brings. Amen.