Prayer Thot of the Day (Jun 15)

Christ Intercedes For You

Backgrounder on John 13-17:
The Upper Room Discourse
contains Jesus’ final words of
instruction and encouragement
to His disciples before his death.
Only John records these intimate
moments between Jesus and
His men as He models true
humility (Jn 13), describes the
coming Holy Spirit (Jn 14-16)
and Intercedes for the Unity and
Protection of His disciples (Jn 17)

Lord, thank you for Covering Us:
I do not pray that You should take
them out of the world, but that You
should keep them from the evil one.
They are not of the world, just as
I am not of the world. Sanctify them
by Your truth… As You sent Me
into the world. I also have sent
them into the world (Jn 17:15-18).
My prayer is not for them alone.
I pray also for those who will
believe in me thro their message,
that all of them may be one…
that they also may be one in Us,
that the world may believe that
You sent me (Jn 17:20-21). Amen.

Lord, You have sent us into
the world with an assignment.
While we are in the world, You
have made provision (thro Yr Word)
for us to live in the world & still be
protected fr its worldly influence.
Lord, help us take advantage of
Your provision by marinating our
life with Your Word; and let it
soak in and flavour every aspect
of our life. And here I am send me,
to be salt & light to the world. Amen

Lord, I pray for unity with family
members & with other believers
regardless of any differences.
May we be truly one with the
Father, the Son & the Holy Spirit.
May our unity show the world, that
You Jesus came from the Father.
May this unity I have with You
and with others draw unbelievers
to You, so that they too may
experience Your love. Amen

Lord Jesus, Because U live forever,
You have a permanent priesthood
to intercede for us (Heb 7:24-25).
Lord Jesus, I praise You for your
salvation and constant care.
Thank you for not only saving me
but also being my great High
Priest, constantly caring for me.
Thank you for praying for me
continually before the throne
of God. Enable my life & actions
to conform to your will. Amen.