Prayer Thot for the Day (Jun 12)

Christ Will Honour His Followers

Backgrounder on John 9-12:
Christ’s claims draw the attention
of more than the hungry and sick.
The religious leaders concerned
about maintaining the status quo,
respond with angry resistance.
But how do You refute a Man
who preaches that He is the
Light of the World, then proves
it by giving sight to the blind? …
who claims He is the resurrection
& the life, then validates that claim
by raising a man from the dead.

Lord, we will Follow Your Leading:
Jesus said: He who loves his
life will lose it and he who hates
his life in this world will keep it.
All those who want to be my
disciples must come & follow me.
And if they follow me, the Father
Will Honour them. Now my soul
is deeply troubled. Should I pray:
Father, save me from what lies
ahead? But that is the very reason
why I came! Father, Bring Glory
to your name (Jn 12:25-28).
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