Praying thro 1 Corinthians (Jun 2)

Dealing With Disunity Problem
(Prayer Walk thro 1 Cor 1-6)

Backgrounder: Churches aren’t
perfect because churches are
full of imperfect people. Paul
writes to the believers at Corinth
to correct errors in their public
and private behaviour which
are detracting from their gospel
witness. These include factions,
immorality and lawsuits between
believers. In an orderly fashion,
Paul set forth godly guidelines
for conduct consistent with
the grace of God given by Christ.

Dear Lord, we recognise the
tendency of the church to fall
into divisiveness and disorder.
Help us to be concerned over
unity in our local churches; and
not mistake cordiality for unity.
And help the church leadership to
squarely address such problems.
Help us to be of One Mind;
Help us to Seek Your Insight and
Help us Focus on Your View. Amen

Lord, we strive to be of One Mind:
I appeal to You by the authority
of the Lord Jesus Christ to stop
arguing among yourselves. Let
there be real harmony so there
won’t be divisions in the church.
I plead with you to be of one mind,
united in thot & purpose (1Cor1:10)
Lord, we realise that divisions
usually occur when our focus
shifts away from You Jesus.
Help us to stay focused and work
at agreeing with one another.
I recognise that there will always
be people with whom I’ll disagree
But let the love of God control
our relationship so that we can
see others’ perspectives and
even agree to disagree. Amen.

Lord, we will Seek Your Insight:
What we have received is not the
spirit of the world, but the Spirit
who is from God, so that we may
understand what God has freely
given us. This is what we speak…
in words taught by the Spirit,
explaining spiritual realities with
Spirit-taught words (1Cor2:12-13)
Lord, thank You that You have
given me your Holy Spirit.
Give me spiritual ears to hear &
teach me how to listen to You.
And I need to better understand
grace, forgiveness & eternal You.
Keep me from the distractions
of busyness and Draw me
closer to You each day. Amen.

Lord, we will Focus on Your View:
Look at Apollas and me as mere
servants of Christ…Now a person
who is put in charge as a manager
must be faithful… It matters very
little what you or anyone thinks…
Be careful not jump to conclusion
whether or not someone is faithful.
When the Lord comes, he will
bring our deepest secrets to light…
If you pay attention to scriptures,
you don’t brag at the expense
of another (1 Cor 4:1-6). Amen.
Lord Jesus, what a privilege to
be Your servant in your kingdom.
Help us be good stewards of the
tasks You have entrusted us and
faithfully proclaiming Your message
Help us not to be Judgmental.
Help us not to be too concerned
about what others think; but
instead be very concerned about
what You God thinks. Amen.