Prayer Thot for the Day (May 31)

God Favours the Ready

Backgrounder on Luke 10-12:
Seventy disciples are sent out to
heal the sick & say: The kingdom
of God is come nigh unto you.
Their enthusiastic return prompts
Jesus to rejoice in praise to God.
But confrontation is gathering.
Some attribute His miracles to
Satan rather than God. Others
clamour for more miraculous signs.
And Jesus denounces the religious
leaders for their hypocrisy and
warns the disciples to Be Watchful.

Lord, we’ll be Ready for Yr Return:
Jesus said to His disciples: Don’t
Worry about your life… Who of
you by worrying can add a single
hour to his life? (Luke 12:22-25).
Be dressed for service and
well-prepared, as though you
were waiting for your master to
return from the wedding feast…
There will be Special Favour for
those who Are Ready and waiting
for His Return (v35-38). Amen.
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