Prayer Thot for the Day (May 25)

God Answers Prayers of Faith

Backgrounder on Mark 11-13:
The final week of Jesus’ earthly
life dawns – that period of time
which occupies more space in
the gospels than any other stage
of Jesus’ ministry. His arrival in
Jerusalem coincides with the
preparations for the Feast of
Passover. Though events move
quickly, Jesus is never hurried.
There is time to clean out the
temple,watch the widow contribute
her two mites and give final
instructions to the disciples.

Lord, grant us Forgiving Faith:
As they passed by, they saw the
fig tree dried up from the roots…
Jesus said: Have Faith in God.
For assuredly I say to you, whoever
says to this mountain: Be removed
and does not doubt in his heart,
but Believes that those things
he says will be done, he will have
whatever he says. Therefore I say
to you, whatever things you ask
when you pray, Believe that you
receive them & you will have them.
And whenever you stand praying,
if u have anything against anyone,
Forgive him, that your Father
in heaven may also forgive you
your trespasses (Mark 11:21-26).

Lord, we can certainly do things
to persuade our hearts to Believe:
by dwelling on Your promises and
remembering Your past works.
But ultimately, Faith is a Gift of God
and we get it from the work of
the Holy Spirit within us. Lord,
I need faith for mine is weak and
wavering at times but I do believe.
Help my unbelief and remove
my doubts. Give me the faith that
comes from Your Spirit, as I dwell
in Your presence each day. Amen.

Lord, I pray You reveal any place
in my heart where I have not
forgiven someone. I know how easy
it is to let resentment build up,
even though I try not to allow
that to happen. I don’t want
to inhabit the forgiveness You
have for me because I have
not forgiven someone else.
Instead I want to receive the
blessing You have for me because
I have forgiven someone. Amen.

Lord, help me to have a Forgiving
heart. I need to learn how to receive
Your forgiveness and how to forgive
those who have wronged me.
I don’t want Your Presence in
my life be quenched because of
unforgiveness. Create in me a
free and forgiving spirit that sees
others as You do, responds to
them with Your heart and prays
for them with Your love. Amen.