Prayer Thot for the Day (May 24)

God Will Enable & Reward You

Backgrounder on Mark 8-10:
As opposition to Jesus’ ministry
increases, it is no longer safe to
move openly in Galilee. So Jesus
traverses the regions of Decapolis,
Caesarea & Perea & avoids crowds.
In the final days of His ministry,
Jesus begins to prepare His
disciples for the faithful journey to
Jerusalem that will mark the end
of His life and the beginning of
their role as bearers of glad tidings.

Lord, You Don’t Short-Change Us:
Jesus said: How hard it is for those
who trust in riches to enter the
kingdom of God… With men
it is impossible, but not with God;
for With God all things are Possible.
And I assure you that everyone
who has given up house or brothers
or sisters… or property for My sake
and for the Good News Will Receive
in return a hundred times … And in
the world to come that person will
have eternal life (Mark 10:24-30)
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