Prayer Thot for the Day (May 21)

God’s Help to Fight Temptation

Backgrounder on Mark 1-3:
Mark begins his gospel with
the ministry of John the Baptist,
the forerunner who would prepare
the way for Jesus’ ministry of
servanthood. Mark’s emphasis
throughout the gospel is on
Christ’s works rather than His
words, as befitting a Servant.

Lord, help us Resist Temptation:
John came baptising & preaching
a baptism of repentance for the
remission of sins…And he preached
saying: There comes One after me
who is Mightier than l… I indeed
baptised you with water, but He
will baptise u with the Holy Spirit.
It came to pass that Jesus came
from Nazareth and was baptised
by John in the Jordan..Immediately
the Spirit drove Him into the
wilderness. And He was there
in the wilderness forty days,
Tempted by Satan…and the angels
Ministered to Him (Mark 1:4-13).
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