Praying thro Galatians (May 19)

Living For Jesus By Faith
(Prayer Walk thro Gal 1-3)

Backgrounder: This epistle has
been called the charter of Christian
liberty. It is Paul’s manifesto of
justification by faith and the liberty
that produces. Paul directs this
great charter of Christian freedom
to people who are about to forsake
the priceless liberty they possess
in Christ. Certain Jewish legalists
are influencing the believers in
Galatia to trade their freedom
in Christ for bondage to the law.
Paul writes to refute their false
gospel of works & to show the
superiority of justification by faith.

Dear Lord, thank you for Your
loving kindness and grace to us.
Our acceptance by You God
comes by believing in Christ alone.
Through the lessons from Gal 1-3,
Help us to Seek Your Approval;
Help us to Live For You; and
Help us to Live By Faith. Amen.
Continue reading “Praying thro Galatians (May 19)”

Preview on Galatians (May 19)

We have been Chronologically
covering the Bible phase by phase.
We start the Gospels, with Mark
focussing on acts of Jesus and
presents Him as the Servant who
came to give His life as a ransom.
Luke focuses on Jesus’ teachings
and presents Him as the perfect
Son of Man whose mission was to
seek and save that which was lost.
Matthew presents Jesus as the
Christ, Israel’s messianic King.
And John presents Jesus as the
Son of God so offered eternal
life to all who believe in Him.
We have also covered Acts of
the Apostles, which chronicles
the Growth of the church.

Next, we continue into apostolic
letters, beginning with Galatians.
Paul doesn’t open with his usual
greeting of praise & prayer for the
saints; for there is an emergency
at hand! The Galatians have
listened to false teachers who
have come into the church teaching
that salvation is a mixture of works
and grace. Paul warns the believers
about the bondage this type of
deception brings and exhorts them
to return to the Freedom that is
theirs in Jesus Christ. He goes
on to show that it is the Spirit,
not the flesh, that the Christian
life is to be successfully lived.
Continue reading “Preview on Galatians (May 19)”