Prayer Thot for the Day (May 18)

Lord Jesus With You Always

Backgrounder on Matthew 26-28:
The events during the final two
days of Jesus’ earthly life carry
the shadow of the cross: the
anointing in Bethany, the Passover
Observance and Lord’s Supper,
the prayer in Gethsemane.
Jesus is arrested and tried first
by the Jews, then by the Romans;
He is condemned, executed and
placed in a tomb. But in glorious
triumph, Jesus comes forth from
the grave in resurrection power.
The Kings of the Jews Lives again,
a message which His followers
are commissioned to share.

Lord, You are Always With Us:
Go and make disciples of all the
nations… teaching them to obey
everything I have commanded u;
and lo I am With you Always,
even to the end of the age
(Matthew 28:19-20). Amen.

Lord, there is no doubt about
the task You had left for us to do.
Help me step out of my comfort
zones to find people who need
to know Christ. Help me witness
to the people You God has placed
in my various sphere of influence.
Lord, Help me be a good example
in my concern for the lost.
In words, deeds and attitudes,
help me reflect as one who
has found the answer to life!
And Thank you for the promise
of Your abiding presence. Amen.

Lord Jesus, you promise your
followers that you will be With
them Always. Though busyness
and activities often disconnect
me from others, it will never
separate me from You. Your
promise is reliable in a world
where most promises are not.
Thank You Lord for the permanent
nature of your promise. Amen.

Lord, thank You for being With me
always in accordance to Your Word.
Let me not to be too busy and
bogged down in the details of life
without consciously thinking of U.
Grant me sanctified imagination
of You sitting next to me, smiling
at me, patiently encouraging me.
Help me See You more clearly,
Hear You more certainly, and
Trust You more fully in every
moment of my life. Amen.