Prayer Thot for the Day (May 14)

God Blesses Agreement in Prayer

Backgrounder on Matthew 16-19:
In these chapters, Matthew records
crucial incidents from Jesus’ life. It’s clear Jesus’ key concern is for
His disciples He will leave behind
to continue the work He had begun.
Healings and discourses, miracles
and parables all focus on Jesus’
faithful followers to prepare them
for the difficult day’s just ahead.

Lord, we will Agree in Prayer:
(Jesus said) Whatever You bind
on earth will be bound in heaven
and whatever you loose on earth
will be loosed in heaven. Again
I tell you that if two of you agree
here on earth about anything
you ask, my Father in heaven
will do it for you. For where two
or three gather together as my
followers, I am there among them
(Matthew 18:18-20). Amen.

Lord, we thank U for friends whose
fellowship can make life better.
Trusted friends can also offer us
wise and thoughtful counsel to
sharpen our prayers, figuring out
precisely what and how to pray.
Above all the real beauty is Your
promise that if all can agree,
we can be much more certain You
God has heard our prayers. And
thank you for Your promise to be
present in an even more powerful
way & answer our prayers. Amen.

Lord, help me to find believers
with whom I can agree in prayer
on a regular basis. I pray we will
be in agreement about the truth
of Your Word and the power of
Your Holy Spirit. You have said
that one can put a thousand to
flight and two can put ten thousand
to flight. I pray for enough prayer
partners to put all of the enemy’s
forces attacking our lives to flight.
In Jesus’ mighty name, Amen.

Lord, we come together over this
particular promise of Your Word.
We’re placing a demand upon it,
respectfully for we know that You
God wants to answer our prayer
so that we can be encouraged.
You want us to have confidence
in the Prayer of Agreement & tell
others how powerful it really is.
We’re asking for a manifestation
of this promise through the
Prayer of Agreement found
in Matthew 18:18-20. Amen.