Prayer Thot for the Day (May 14)

God Blesses Agreement in Prayer

Backgrounder on Matthew 16-19:
In these chapters, Matthew records
crucial incidents from Jesus’ life. It’s clear Jesus’ key concern is for
His disciples He will leave behind
to continue the work He had begun.
Healings and discourses, miracles
and parables all focus on Jesus’
faithful followers to prepare them
for the difficult day’s just ahead.

Lord, we will Agree in Prayer:
(Jesus said) Whatever You bind
on earth will be bound in heaven
and whatever you loose on earth
will be loosed in heaven. Again
I tell you that if two of you agree
here on earth about anything
you ask, my Father in heaven
will do it for you. For where two
or three gather together as my
followers, I am there among them
(Matthew 18:18-20). Amen.
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