Praying thro Acts (May 13)

Lessons from Paul’s Trials
(Prayer Walk thro Acts 21-28)

Backgrounder: Though Paul has
taken his last missionary journey,
his missionary career is far from
over. God now promotes him
from being a missionary to the
people to being a missionary
to the palace. God uses his
imprisonment to bring the gospel
to three Roman rulers: Felix,
Festus & Agrippa. Finally, Paul’s
ambition to reach Rome with the
gospel is at last realised, but not
without storm and shipwreck.

Lord, we see from Acts 21-28, that
Paul witnessed his faith in Christ
thro personal testimony, preaching
and defense before authorities.
As God’s people, we are also
chosen to reach the world.
Holy Spirit, Grant us boldness
and grace even as we purpose to
apply the lessons from Acts 21-28:
to Remember Parting Prayer;
to Share Christ to others and
to See from Your Perspective.Amen

Lord, we remember Parting Prayer:
Landing at Tyre & finding disciples
we stayed there 7 days. They
told Paul not to go to Jerusalem.
But when our time was up, we left
and continued on our way. All
the disciples and their wives and
children accompanied us out of
the city, and there on the beach
we Knelt To Pray (Acts 21:3-5).
Lord, prayer is the most powerful
tool we have as believers for
it’s our direct link to You God.
Help us not neglect it, especially
when we part from loved ones,
close friends and co-labourers
to boost the love relationships.
Help me to remember when I am
with people who are about to leave
on a journey that I need to pray
for them to have safety & guidance
as they go about their business
or ministry for the Lord. And that
God will bring them back together
in koinonia fellowship again. Amen.

Lord, we will Share Christ to others:
King Agrippa I was not disobedient
to that vision from heaven… that
all must turn from their sins and
turn to God… Some Jews arrested
me in the temple for preaching
these… But I teach nothing except
what the prophets said would
happen: that the Messiah would
suffer and rise from the dead
as a light to Jews & Gentiles alike..
And Agrippa said to Festus:
He could be freed if he hadn’t
appealed to Caesar (Acts 26:19-32)
Lord, just as Paul shared the good
news to King Agrippa, we purpose
to seize every opportunity to share
Christ to others. We are amazed by
Paul’s readiness to go to Rome
knowing that’s God’s plan for him.
Grant us grace to serve God’s will
even if it does involve personal
sacrifice in doing so. Amen.

Lord, we see from Yr Perspective:
For two whole years Paul stayed
there in his own rented house and
welcomed all who came to see him.
He proclaimed the kingdom of God
and taught about the Lord Jesus
Christ with all boldness and
without hindrance (Acts 28:30-31)
Lord, we learnt from Paul that
he did not see himself as victim
of unfair occurrences (including
attacked by angry Jewish mob,
held in prison and shipwretched).
But he see God using even plans
of godless to spread the gospel.
For truly You God can do anything
and no one can stop Your plan.
Lord, Thank You for your careful
attention to the details of my life.
Teach me to be so confident in You
even in challenging circumstances
that You work things for good
in Your way & in Your time. Amen.