Prayer Thot for the Day (May 11)

Nothing Impossible With God

Backgrounder on Matthew 16-19:
Matthew records crucial incidents
from Jesus’ life in these chapters.
Though Christ takes time to heal
an epileptic boy, pay His Temple
tax and confront the increasingly
hostile Pharisees, it is clear that His
primary concern is for His disciples
-those He will soon leave behind to
continue the work He had begun.
Healings and discourses, miracles
and parables all focus on Jesus’
faithful followers to prepare them
for the difficult day’s just ahead.

Lord, we place our Faith in You:
The disciples asked Jesus
privately: Why couldn’t we
cast out that (boy’s) demon?
Because of your Unbelief,
Jesus told them. I assure you,
even if you had faith as small as
a mustard seed you could say
to this mountain: Move from
here to there, and it would move.
Nothing would be impossible
(Matthew 17:19-20). Amen.

Lord, the mountain seems so large,
yet when I look to U as the source
of my strength, it becomes not
so significant. My faith may seem
small, yet when I place it in Your
hands, it can produce a greater
harvest than I could ever imagine.
So take my tiny seed of faith
and multiply it with Your strength
and wisdom. And thank You for
assuring my heart that nothing
is impossible with You in it. Amen.

Lord, You promise that with faith
in You, nothing is impossible.
Thank You for being the God of
the possible. Help me put faith
in the right place – in You the
all-powerful God, rather than
in my ability or power or past
experience. Help me remember
that my faith, even when small
and weak, can do great things
for You & bring deliverance. Amen

Lord, You please guide me
Through all the darkness
Turning my night into day
You’ll never leave me
Never forsake me; the power
of the presence of God.
Have faith in You God
Let my hope rest on the faith
You has placed in my heart
Never give up
Never let go of the faith
You have placed in my heart. Amen