Prayer Thot for the Day (May 10)

God Gives Direction when U Seek:

Backgrounder on Matthew 12-15:
A turning point in Matthew’s gospel
occurs in chapter 12. Mounting
antagonism by the Jewish
religious leaders erupts into open
denunciation of Jesus. Attributing
His miracles to the power of Satan,
they demand yet another sign to
substantiate Jesus’ messianic claim
Because of their fierce rejection,
Jesus begins to speak in parables.
After a rude reception in his
hometown of Nazareth, Jesus
withdrew across the Sea of Galilee
to the regions of Tyre and Sidon in
order to escape growing opposition

Lord, we will Seek Your Direction:
Now those who had eaten were
about 5,000 men besides women
and children. Immediately Jesus
made His disciples get into the
boat and go before Him to the
other side while He sent the
multitudes away…(Then) He went
up on the mountain by Himself
to pray. Now when evening came,
He was alone there (Matt 14:21-23)

Lord, busyness can cause us not
to know where we are going and
cause our hearts heavy with care.
Help us learn from You that after
expending much energy healing
the sick and feeding well over 5000
in the midst of growing opposition,
U craved for time alone with Father
to replenish depleted energy
as well as receive wise counsel.
Lord, sometimes I may run myself
in circles and wind up exhausted.
I truly need to be alone with You,
to busk in your glory and to lean
on your strength. I’m grateful that
when I seek You, I will find U. Amen

Lord, help me find the time I need
every day to be alone with You.
Escaping busyness and diversions
seems to be a constant struggle.
And I need greater ability to shut
out everything and find solitude
with You in prayer. Help me to
secure a place of peace and quiet
so that I can hear Your voice
speaking to my heart. Amen.

Lord, thank You that I can have
direct access to You for help
when in need and distress
and has often found relief!!
Teach me to know the presence
of your Spirit within me and to
walk in continual awareness of it.
May you express your heart
through me and pray thro me.
I can’t do this thro my own efforts
but with U nothing is impossible!
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Lord, Sweet hour of prayer!
sweet hour of prayer!
That calls me from a world of care.
And bids me at my Father’s throne
Make all my wants & wishes known;
In seasons of distress and grief,
My soul has often found relief,
And oft escaped
the tempter’s snare,
By Thy return
sweet hour of prayer! Amen.