Praying thro Acts (May 6)

Challenges Can Boost Growth
(Prayer Walk thro Acts 8-12)

Backgrounder: Two years after
the Commission, only Jerusalem
had heard the good news.
In chapter 8, persecution hits,
scattering all but the apostles
into Judea and Samaria. Phillip
extends his witness to Africa thro
the conversion of visiting dignitary.
Saul experiences a confrontation
with the risen Lord on the road
to Damascus which transform
him from Saul the Antagonist
to Paul the Missionary. With the
conversion of Cornelius, the
outreach of the church is enlarged
to include Gentiles as well.
But it takes an unusual vision,
a stubborn vessel (Peter) and
a well-timed visit to break down
centuries of deep-seated prejudice

Dear Lord, thank you for the
book of Acts which records the
growth of the Christian church,
aided by the power of Holy Spirit.
Almighty God, You can work
thro any challenge or opposition.
Help us to realise that hostility
may come about because we
have been faithful witnesses.
Help us to seize opportunities
that opposition brings about.
Help us Submit to Your Will;
Help us Tune In to Your Plan &
Help us Tap to Your Power. Amen

Lord, we will Submit to Your Will:
The Lord told (Ananias): Go to
the house of Judas on Straight
Street and ask for a man from
Tarsus named Saul for he is praying
And in a vision he has seen you
putting your hand on him…
Go for he is is chosen vessel of
Mine to bear My name before
Gentiles & the children of Israel…
Immediately he preached Christ
in the synagogues that He is
the Son of God (Acts 9:11-20).
Lord, You appeared to Saul and
blinded him to get his attention
and do a miraculous turnaround
in his life. In same way, You may
sometimes allowed me to get
to a dark place in my life where
I cannot see without Your help.
At those times, help me to do so
Paul did and pray fervently so that
my spiritual sight can be restored
and Your Will Be Done. Amen.

Lord, we will Tune In to Your Plan:
The next day as Cornelius’
messengers were nearing the city,
Peter went up to the flat roof
to pray. It was about noon, and
he was hungry. But while lunch
was being prepared, he fell into
a trance. He saw the sky open
and a large sheet was laid down.
In it were all sorts of animals and
birds… Then a voice said: If God
says something is acceptable,
don’t say it isn’t (Acts 10:9-15).
Lord, we can’t expect to hear
your messages if we are not often
in Your presence which is such
a great privilege. Open my eyes
and ears to what is on Your heart.
Although what You want to say
is sometimes hard to understand,
give me a heart of obedience to
what U want to impress on me.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Lord, we will Tap to Your Power:
(Herod) arrested Peter during
the Passover celebration and
imprisoned him, placing him
under the guard of four squards
of four soldiers each. Herod’s
intention was to bring Peter out
for public trial after the Passover.
But while Peter was in prison,
the church prayed very earnestly
for him… Suddenly, there was
a bright light in the cell, and
an angel of the Lord stood
before Peter… And the chains
fell off his wrists (Acts 12:3-7).
Lord, thank you for your wonder-
working power. We were once
locked in a prison of darkness
to your truth and light. Thank you
for shining the light of your truth
into our heart & freeing us from sin.
Use us to share the truth about
Your great power with others
who need to know the true
freedom in Christ. Amen.