Prayer Thot for the Day (May 2)

God’s Word Keeps You from Sin

Backgrounder on Matthew 1-4:
Matthew begins his gospel with
the genealogy of Jesus Christ.
Whilst Genesis traces the creation
of man, Matthew shows the advent
of Jesus begins a new creation.
From the call of Abraham, God
has been moving to accomplish
His great redemption plan. Jesus
the prophesied Messiah, fulfills
the OT promises in every facet of
His life: birth, boyhood & baptism.

Lord, Your Word keeps us from Sin:
Jesus was led into the wilderness
to be tempted by the devil. And
when He had fasted 40 days,
He was hungry. Now the tempter
came to Him and said: If You are
the Son of God command these
stones become bread. But (Jesus)
answered: It is written: Man shall
not live by bread alone but by
every word that proceeds from
the mouth of God (Matt 4:1-4).
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