Imploring God thro His Promises:

Significance Reinstated (Apr 30)

Dear Friends,
We have completed six months
of devotion on God’s Promises,
following three earlier series on
Adoring God thro Thanksgiving,
Knowing God’s thro His Names
and Praising God thro Hymns.
Before continuing into the NT,
let’s pause to note the significance
of Imploring God on His Promises.

There are so much to pray about:
our dreams, hopes and plans.
But often we are held up by our
own doubts: Does God really
care about this request of ours?
How assuring to pray back to God
the promises found in His Word.
Then we no longer wonder if this
is something God cares about,for
He brought it up in the 1st place.

As we pray God’s promises, note
the starting point is His nature:
That the Lord is trustworthy
in all He promises (Psa 145:13).
Each time God reveals His nature,
He is promising us that He will be
true to that nature in any situation.
And His promises are rock solid
for His nature stands behind them.

But we should note praying God’s
Promises is not a magic formula.
Although scripture tells us
fervent prayers are effective,
we must always trust God to
work it In His Way & In His Time.
We must Be Patient, Wait upon
the Lord and Keep Trusting that
His promises will come true!

Dear Almighty & All-Loving God,
I pray even as Yr People meditate
on Your Scriptural Promises:
That Your Spirit minister to their
soul and Will Comfort them;
That they Will Experience the
blessings of a praying life; and
That their Faith Will Arise so that
they Will Trust U more and more.
In Jesus’ mighty name, Amen.

Dear Friends, Promises covered over the last 6 mths listed below
by scripture and time sequence.
For today’s devotion, scroll to
the listing from the Prophets
or pick any post that interest you
or address your present need.
Click to get to
the home page, scroll to calender
to select mth/date to read post.

W1 Genesis:
Nov13: God’s Nature & Character
N14: Walking With God (Gen 5)
N15: Following God’s Calling (G12)
N16: God Able Do Anything (G18)
N17: God’s Sovereign Control (G50)

W2 Exodus:
N20: God Meet Needs (Exo 3)
N21: God Who Heals (Exo 15)
N22: Lord Who Protects (Exo 17)
N23: Lord Help U Press On (E16)
N24: Lord Who Sanctifies (E31)

W3 Deuteronomy:
N27: God Who Rules (Deut 3)
N28: The Faithful God (Deut 7)
N29: God Source of Wealth (D8)
N30: God Goes Before You (D31)
Dec1: The Lord My Shield (D33)

W4 Joshua:
D4: G Presence Gives Courage (J1)
D5: God’s Deeds Build Faith (J4)
D6: Obedience Brings Victory (J6)
D7: Mighty One Is For Us (Jos22)
D8: God Loves Impossible (Jdgs 7)

W5 Samuel:
D11: God Cares About You (1Sam1)
D12: Our Mighty Helper (1Sam7)
D13: God Delivers Faithful (1S21)
D14: Lord Is Your Strength (1S30)
D15: G Will Make U Secure (2S22)

W6 Kings:
D18: God Fulfils His Plan (1K8)
D19: G Provides for Servants (1K17)
D20: A God Who Acts (1K18)
D21: G’s Strength Is Greater (2K6)
D22: A God Who Rescues (2K13)

W7 First Chronicles:
D25: G Answers Bold Prayer (1C4)
D26: G Gives Instructions (1C14)
D27: More Than U Imagine (1C17)
D28: God Is With You (1C28)
D29: God Is Your Source (1C29)

W8 Second Chronicles:
Jan1: God Hears Our Prayer (2C7)
J2: G Strengthens Committed (16)
J3: G Delivers When We Pray (18)
J4: G Helps the Overwhelmed (20)
J5: God Is On Your Side (2C32)

W9 Psalm Book 1:
J8: God Promises Fruitfulness (P1)
J9: God Is Yr Place of Shelter (P9)
J10:God Gives Supernatural Joy(16)
J11: God Gives Strength (Ps 18)
J12: The Lord My Shepherd (P23)

W10 Psalm Book 1:
J15: God Is Good & Upright (P25)
J16: God Watches Over You (P32)
J17: God Hears & Delivers U (P34)
J18:God Blesses When U Trust(37)
J19: God Delivers Who Wait (P40)

W11 Psalm Book 2:
J22: God Is Our Refuge (Ps 46)
J23: God Gives Joy (Ps 51)
J24: God Gives Rest (Ps 55)
J25: God Is On Your Side (Ps 56)
J26: God Has A Plan For You (P57)

W12 Psalm Book 2:
J29:God Comes to Who Wait(P59)
J30: God Offers Rest & Refuge (62)
J31: God Satisfies Longing Soul(63)
Feb1: G Cares for Defenceless(P68)
F2: God Helps Those In Need (P72)

W13 Psalm Book 3:
F5:God Is Yr Strength & Shelter(73)
F6: God Is Able to Do Anything (77)
F7: God Will Provide Our Needs(78)
F8: God Will Bless t Righteous (84)
F9: God Offers His Faithfulnessness

W14 Psalm Book 4:
F12: God Shields & Shelters U (91)
F13:God’s Mercy Is Everlasting(100)
F14: God Cares For Downcast (102)
F15: God Blesses His People (103)
F16: God’s Plan Never Fails (P105)

W15 Psalm Book 5:
F19: God Helps His People (P107)
F20: God Is Dependable (P108)
F21: God Hears Your Prayers (116)
F22: G Brings U Thro Trouble (118)
F23: G’s Word Directs Yr Path(119)

W16 Psalm Book 5:
F26: God Answers Prayers (120)
F27: God Helps & Protects U (121)
F28:G Restores&Gives Harvest(126
Mar1: God Builds & Gives Rest (127)
M2:G Promises with His Name(138)

W17 Psalm Book 5:
M5: God Knows & Cares for U(139)
M6: God U Can Count On (P141)
M7:God Brings U Thr Trouble (144)
M8:God Merciful & Will Save (145)
M9: God the Promise Keeper (146)

W18 Proverbs:
M12: G Directs As U Seek Him (P3)
M13: G Rewards Who Wait (P8)
M14: God Hears Prayer (P15)
M15: G Who Directs Yr Plans(P16)
M16: G Guarantees Yr Future (P23)

W19 Isaiah:
M19: God Is On the Throne (Isa 6)
M20:God Keeps His Promises(Isa7)
M21: God Gives All U Need (Isa 9)
M22: God Gives Peace (Isa 26)
M23: God Is All Reliable (Isa 28)

W20 Isaiah:
M26: God Strengthens You (Isa 30)
M27: God Helps the Weak (Isa 40)
M28: God Helps U thro Trouble(43)
M29: God Sustains You (Isa 46)
M30: God Turns Sorrow to Joy (54)

W21 Isaiah:
Apr 2: God Fulfils Promises (Isa 55)
A3: God Refreshes You (Isa 57)
A4: G’s Words Hold Good (Isa 59)
A5: God Turns Ashes to Beauty (61)
A6: G Acts for Those Who Wait (64)

W22 Jeremiah:
A9: God Shows U Good Paths (J6)
A10: God Blesses & Heals U (Jer17)
A11: G Promises Good Plans (J29)
A12: G Bigger Than Problems (J32)
A13: God’s Phone Number (Jer33)

W23 Ezekiel:
A16:G’s Faithfulness Great(Lam3)
A17: G Gives U New Heart (Ez11)
A18: G Moves U In Spirit (Ez 36)
A19: G Brings Things to Life (E37)
A20: God Gives Revelation (Dan 2)

W24 Minor Prophets:
A23: G’s Hedge of Protectn (Hos2)
A24: God Redeems Time (Joel 2)
A25: God Delivers You (Micah 7)
A26: God Is Your Strength (Hab3)
A27: God Rejoices Over U (Zep3)

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