Praying thro John (April 29)

Crucifixion of the Son of God
(Prayer Walk thro John 18-21)

Backgrounder: In his account of
Jesus’ trials, John focuses on
the appearances before Pilate
and the governor’s futile efforts
to release Jesus. Yielding at last
to political expediency and mob
pressure, Pilate sentences Jesus
to be crucified. Many of the details
John includes are unique to his
account: the Roman soldiers
casting dice for Jesus’ robe;
the spear trust into Jesus’ side;
the post-resurrection appearances
to Mary Magdalene, Thomas & 7 disciples. Thro it all, John’s purpose
shines forth clearly to present Jesus as the Christ, the Son of God in His life, death and resurrection.

Dear Lord Jesus, thank you that
in Your death and resurrection
You showed your caring love as
well as instructed the disciples
why & how to continue to believe.
Out of gratitude and adoration,
Help us Believe without seeing;
Help us Reach Out to the thirsty &
Help us be Fishers of Men, so that
we’ll be Yr light of the world. Amen.
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