Praying thro John (April 15)

Compassion of the Son of God
(Prayer Walk thro John 3-5)

Backgrounder: Jesus’ ministry
is not reserved for the temple.
At any time and in all places
He is ready with a word and a
healing touch. Nicodemus comes
by night seeking answers and finds
the miracle of the second birth.
The Samaritan woman comes
seeking water at the well and
leaves to tell her city about a
source of living water that will
never run dry. The paralytic at
the pool finds that even 38 years
of lameness is no obstacle to
the miracle-working Son of God.
Jew or Samaritan, religious leader
or religious outcast… Jesus’
Compassion knows no bounds.

Dear Lord Jesus, You show in
Your earthly ministry your deep Compassion with words & deeds.
Help us Emulate Your Compassion;
Help us Respond to Your Love;
Help us Turn to You always;
Help us Spread the Good News &
Help us Follow the Father. Amen
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